New Interconnecting Door Policy for Laboratories
Interconnecting doors are part of an open laboratory concept which is intended to promote collaboration between researchers by enabling them to easily discuss their work with colleagues in other laboratories. However, there may be a need or desire to lock or block these interconnecting doors. The IUPUI Laboratory Safety Committee developed this policy to provide guidance to laboratories who wish to lock or block the interconnecting doors. To read the policy please click here.
If you have been approved to lock or block an in interconnecting door I have created signage that meets the requirements of the policy and can be printed and posted on the locked door. Please click on the NOTICE sign on the right for a larger printer-friendly version.

E Training Transcripts and Certificates Now Available
Need proof that you are compliant with mandatory training? Would you like to print of a certificate verifying your training to display? If you have begun to use the E Training learning management system on Oncourse this past year, a record of your accomplishments can be found there.
Please click here to view instructions on how to access your transcripts and print certificates of your accomplishments.

Newly Revised Laboratory Safety Handbook
Over the past year I have revised the IUPUI Laboratory Safety Handbook. This new revision contains several new pages of text that provide guidance to our laboratory personnel on how to work with hazardous chemicals safely. This is an excellent tool to share with new personnel working in your laboratory as it summarizes our Chemical Hygiene Plan as well as outlines what is expected in laboratories. This revision also contains updated GHS information as well as updated instructions for how to handle after-hours on the job injuries. I will also make this document available on our web page. Please click here to read the 2013 revision of the IUPUI Laboratory Safety Handbook.
Online GHS Training Required by December 1, 2013!
As discussed in previous editions of Lab Notes OSHA has amended the Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) to align its requirements with the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals, or GHS. The composition and formatting of all chemical labels and safety data sheets is changing so that chemical hazard information is easier to locate and is consistent across all chemical suppliers.
This is a reminder that because of these changes training is required for all employees who have the potential to come in contact with hazardous chemicals in the workplace, such as laboratory personnel. All laboratory personnel must take this training online by December 1, 2013. To read more about the training requirements please click here. For instructions on how to enroll in this short training course please click here. Please help us maintain OSHA compliance by taking this short online training session as soon as possible.  Radiation Safety Newsletter
If you are a Permit Holder do you know what hours the Radiation Safety Office will be open during the holiday season? Were you aware that Radiation Safety has updated some of their forms? Find the answers to these questions and more in the recent Radiation Safety Newsletter found here.
